Sunday, July 29, 2018

An Update!

Hello! Welcome back to a new post! As the title of the post says, this is an Update post. Though real quick I would like to mention how sorry I am for not posting last week. There was a few things going on and I couldn't post, so I'm sorry.

On another note though I would like to say that a few weeks ago I mentioned how I was going to update my whole blog design and everything and obviously that didn't happen. I also want to say, that as much as I love this blog. I don't really have inspiration or desire to continue it. I've been doing this blog continuously for almost three years. Honestly I think I more just continue to do it since I feel like I have a right/obligation to it. I don't know when I started to feel this way but, I feel like I should now tell you guys about it.

A part of me though still wants to write blog posts and continue it. Like I don't want to let it go. I also know that a big problem with my blog is how plain and boring my posts must be. I don't add pictures or anything and I also really want to change things about my posts and I can and plan on doing so. I thought of all of this for a long time, it's just I guess I felt lazy to do so honestly. Especially since I don't get encouragement on my blog from anyone and I have like little to no views every week. So I'm sorry for the people who stumble on my blog or wait for a new post every week.

But I think I'm going to start a new blog somewhere else, like wordpress. It will still be about otome games, since I still love and play them dearly and a lot. I just lost some passion on writing blog posts about them here. Also since when I started blogging I only knew about blogger but I'd rather go to wordpress and I've been thinking about this for two years. I've just decided to stick with what I have.

So I may or may not continue posting here until my Wordpress blog is ready and I write some decent posts. Though I've also been busy lately so it might be awhile, or you might see a post next week. Please look forward to it though.

Also I do feel happy about some blog posts I did during this time. Like I deeply love all of my Utapri posts and all of the posts I felt passionate about, though sometimes I feel that a weeks posts is just like, something I have to post for that week. Though, please understand. And thank you. I hope to talk to you all very soon!

(No links for this post~!)

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Time For Fresh Baked Snacks! +Official Otome Translations

Hello! Welcome back to another post! For this post I will be talking about official otome game translations. Though expect this to be a short post, that I may write more about in another post if I don't feel satisfied with it enough. But here we go~! (Either way though, aren't these translations posts just the gist of it all anyways?)

Like with most unofficial translations, official ones tend to have a group of people working on translating a game. Though unlike with unofficial translation projects, official ones tend to be an actual job that they actually get paid for. This also leads to them getting done with in a few months to a year. They get done much quicker.

You also have to pay for these ones obviously, as like I said, this is a job for people. Not only that but it's official which means the company who made the game gave them the licence to do this. So this could get bought physically and could be downloaded on sites like Steam, etc. This also makes them less risky, since you know it's all official, etc.

I think this will be all for this post though. I've been quite busy lately, so that's why these last two posts have been a bit shorter than normal, though I hope to get back on track soon! Though please comment down below what you think about Official otome game translations, and I'll talk to you guys later!

(No links for this post~!)

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Let's Roll Out The Works! +Unofficial Otome Translations

Hello! Welcome back to another post! In the last post I talked about a translation group and how they finished translating the game they were working on. So for this post I'll be talking about translations once again, and this may or may not turn into a three part thing. Though for this post I would like to talk about Unofficial translation projects (game translations).

Honestly when it comes to this kind it takes a lot longer. Mostly because the people who are translating this and doing this for us tend to be doing this for free and in their own time. They have lifes of their own and things pop up. Sometimes/most of the time the project ends up being unfinished/canceled. So sometimes they will only translate one route in an game before quitting, but sometimes they do fully translate it. It just takes awhile as I said.

Not only that but I bet that if they don't get some form of encouragement, then it makes them want to work on it even less. Even if they choose to do this because it's something they love and want to share with more people by doing this. So with these types you have to be patient with. Not only that but unlike official translation, you have to download them in a way the could be quite confusing if you have no idea what to do.

Not only that but sometimes it could be quite scary as well, though I guess it depends on you. Also sometimes you need to actually own the game then install the translations they made and somehow put it into the game.

Though I would also say that this would obviously say that it would kinda take loner and be a bit harder compared to a company doing this. But atlas this is all for this post. Please comment on what you think down below! For now, I'll talk to you guys later!

(No links for this post~!)

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Initialized Cupcakes! +Translation Projects +Anniversary no Kuni no Alice

Hello! Welcome back to another post! For this post I'll be talking about translation projects. Though before that I would like to mention that "Psychedelica of the Ashen Hawk" for PS Vita came out this week! You can get this game on Amazon or Gamestop and I'll provide links to them down below. Now though let's get onto the main part of this post.

I'm going to be talking about translation projects, though not necessarily projects themselves? I'll be focusing myself onto one group and one game as of right now. (Though I will bring this topic back to talk about a few other factors.) There is a group of translators called Marchen Translations. Today they finally posted the final/full patch of "Anniversary no Kuni no Alice"! They've been working on this game for quite a long time and the finally have it completed today! I'll give the link down below to the website and the page of the final patch.

Though last year I talked about this group and about this series. It's an "Alice in Wonderland" themed otome game. I knew this game in the past before I even knew about this translation project and last summer I installed it. This was my first unofficial otome game that I downloaded. At first I was even thinking about waiting for the full patch since I was planning on playing it once it finished anyways. But I downloaded it anyways and now I can finally play it now that the full patch is out!

I'm also excited about it since I always wanted to play one of these games ever since I knew about it! I had the app (and still do) of the first and only officially translated game of the series (it was the first game as well). Though Quinrose went bankrupt before I could buy any of the routes. So I'm happy to have this opportunity to me again! Also, "Anniversary no Kuni no Alice" is just a remade version of the first "Heart no Kuni no Alice" game (so the first game in the series). Also this seems to be the best version, which is probably why they choose to translate this one instead of the very first one or the other one. (They made quite a few remakes of the first game.)

Anyways, I'll be ending this post here! Please check out the project and hopefully download it and play it! It's completely free and I highly recommend it! Or else I'll talk to you guys later!

"Psychedelica of the Ashen Hawk" Amazon:

"Psychedelica of the Ashen Hawk" Gamestop:

"Anniversary no Kuni no Alice" Final/Complete Patch Link + Download:

Marchen Translations Blog: