Sunday, June 25, 2017

Let's Start The Bash! +Steam Summer Sale +Uta no Prince Sama's 7th Year Anniversary!

Hello! Welcome back to another post! For this post I'll be talking about Steam's summer sale first. Now this sale started June 22nd and will go on til July 5th. So that give you plenty of time to spend your money, if you want to. Not only that but in this summer sale there is a lot of otome games and things involving it on sale. Like "Gakuen Club", "The Charming Empire", and "Nightshade" are all 20% off. All of  Cheritz's dummyhead mic DLC's on Steam are 50% off. Which now makes them only 5 dollars. (So I might actually buy them since together it should only be 30 bucks. Which is also quite the good deal, also since I've always wanted them since I've played Nameless.) Not only that but some of their other DLC's and soundtracks and such are also on sale. (Their games also of course. But I think those are 20% off.) Though I just know for sure that the dummyhead mic DLC's are 50% off. Other things are of coursed priced other things with the sale.

Another thing with this summer sale is that they are giving you daily quests to do. If you do the daily quests then you get sticker packs and it's all random and they have their own stickers to get and like a sticker book. So even though it's something random, I still thought I'd share it. Now to move on I'm going to talk about Utapri's 7th year anniversary! Broccoli gave us 7 surprises to celebrate their 7 year anniversary! And even though this isn't one of the 7 surprises I still think I should add this. It is that their rhythm app ("Uta no Prince Sama: Shining Live") which is going to come out is also going to be in Chinese and English! This information came out the day of Utapri marking it's 7th year anniversary!

So they could've planned for them to announce it at that time. Though I'm happy and excited either way. I think that it also added onto the excitement of their anniversary. In the end though I think I'll end this post here. I will definitely put a link down below to the page of all of the surprises for Utapri though! So comment down below they surprise you got most hyped for or liked the most. Also games on Steam that caught your eye and are on sale! But for now talk to you guys later!


"Uta no Prince Sama"s 7th anniversary page:


Sunday, June 18, 2017

Let's Move On To Cupcakes! +Reject

Hello! Welcome back to another post! I'm going to be continuing with talking about otome companies. Though I guess I should also switch it to drama CD's, since this post is about Reject. Reject is known for games like "Diabolik Lovers" and  "Marginal #4", plus many more. Also for making drama CD's for the female audience. Now I can't say much about them since I only know things about them based off of wiki's, blog post's, and the anime's they have for their games (plus also their official sites for games and drama CD's), since I'm not a Japanese speaker. Though just because I may only doing this post off of those few things, doesn't mean I can't talk about it.

When it comes to their games I don't really see any bad reviews. Unless I'm just looking in the wrong places or just not coming across any. I do see mixed reviews but only a few here or there. I mostly just look at the ones for their drama CD's for the most part. Just due to the fact that I tend to find more of their drama CD's through the internet then their games really. Though before I say anything else Reject also sometimes partners up with other companies for games like one company is Otomate. So I may also be referring to some of those games as well.

But when I see an official site for a drama CD by them I tend to be really into it. So I tend to research it more then some games. (Of course with there being an exception to some games and such.) Like I recently came across a drama CD by them called "√HAPPY+SUGAR=IDOL", since I was researching a voice actor and he was in this. (Though I still don't really remember how I came across this CD.) I came across some posts about it, though with them mostly only being about their first one for this series called "√HAPPY+SUGAR=DARLIN". In the end though I really enjoyed listening to their voice samples... Haha...

I noticed though that a lot of people tend to not really know it. At least in the USA. I don't really know how it is in Japan. I think that I will actually end this post here though. If you have anything to say then please comment down below and give me your thoughts! Or else talk to you guys later!


"√HAPPY+SUGAR=IDOL" Official Page:

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Let's Continue With The Cakes! +Voltage Inc. Series

Hello! Welcome back to another post! This post is about Voltage Inc's games. I am actually enjoying talking about certain companies and their games. Not only that but it gives me a chance to state my opinion on it. On how I feel about it at this moment in time. Now I will say that I haven't played all of their games. Not only that but every game I've played by them I've only played one route in each. Though I really do want to buy all the routes in only two games right now, which is "Star Crossed Myth" and "Scandal in the Spotlight". Now with this one I'm not going to do what I did with my last post on NTT Solmare's games. This one is more just like state somethings or whatever you want to call it. I will say though that I do like both equally and I tend to be an optimistic person.

There is really nothing bad I can say about Voltage except that the coin system is something I'm not fond of. That is like the only bad thing I can think of at the moment that I tend to dislike. Though I tend to like everything else just fine. I also tend to like how their platform for their paid games are landscape. Since I play all my otome apps on my IPad it tend to be easier for me that way. I have no problems with portrait style either, since I normally like to play otome games on my bed so both ways tend to be fine either way. I do remember liking most soundtracks by Voltage inc also, with one of them being "Star Crossed Myth"s.

Lately I've actually also wanted to buy another route in "Butler Until Midnight" since I remember really enjoying that one also, also with "After School Affairs". (Though of course I'd probably most likely do "Star Crossed Myth" or "Scandal in the Spotlight" first.) Their story lines were really good and when "Butler Until Midnight" came out I played it right away and only bought and played Yuma's route, and since everyone else is now out I would like to check out and play their routes also. Same with "After School Affairs", except I actually waited until Kenzo came out to play it since I wanted to play his route the most. Even when he came out and I played through the prologue it never changed, though I'd still love to check out some of the others since some of the others pecked my interest as well.

I do play one of Voltage's free games though. It's "Sleepless Cinderella" or the paid version being called "Seduced in the Sleepless City". I liked this game better than "Kissed by the Baddest Bidder". In all due honesty I don't mind "Kissed by the Baddest Bidder" and I enjoyed it. It's just I like "Sleepless Cinderella" better in a way. I also tend to remember it better. Though people are interested and attracted to what they like I guess. But this post has kinda ended up being all over the place, so I"m going to end it here. So if you have anything you want to mention then comment down below! Or else talk to you guys later!

(Sorry! No links for this post~!)

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Lets Take Time To Revisit (and Visit) Old and New Cakes! +Shall We Date? Series

Hello! Welcome back to another post! With this post I'll be talking about NTT Solmare's new and old otome games/apps. I will also mention that I actually got this idea just by being on their Facebook page and reading all the comments in their latest post about their upcoming game. A lot of the comments actually pricked my interest. I also just love reading other people's opinions on things also. Though I've noticed that a lot of people are talking about their old and new games and comparing them in a way. I've also noticed that a lot of people tend to be on the old side of things. Unless that changed or I've only read those type of comments. Though I haven't really played any of the new games recently since I'm just to busying playing other ones, so I can only speak for what I have seen. (So to make things simpler, I haven't played any other free NTT Solmare game after "Blood in Roses+" was out. Though I am still playing their games I'm just trying to finish off other ones first before I start others. Also since I play free games from other companies as well.)

So I'm not really going to state my opinion yet, but I will list some pros and cons (at least to me) on both sides. Let's start with the pros! For the old games you only had a checkpoint challenge every few chapters. Not only that but with their older games there was also an option to just buy the whole route. Since back then they had a paid version of the game and a free one. Though that could also be taking all of this a little to far back but they are still part of their old games no matter what. Though being able to also fully pay for a route has its benefits. I think those benefits are easy to point out so I'll save you some time. You also don't need to spend real money just to read the premium story line if you don't have the required item or whatever. (Though I do think you have to have a certain intimacy level. Correct me if I'm wrong though, since I've been procrastinating lately with playing them daily. So I kinda forgot...)

With the new games some of the pros are that there tends to be a lot more routes. Not only that but you're also getting a season 2 in most of them. So the game will last longer and won't be thrown away as fast. This is also all I can think of.

Let's move onto the cons. (Will also mention that I maybe talking about the free games in a way since I see this stuff more over free games if anything. Though also recently with paid games, but that's for another post.) Lets do the old games first! Honestly their checkpoints. The one where you have to raise charm level is the worst though. They were all pretty bad in a way. Some games were worse than others though. Another thing I would have to say is raising your Love-O-Meter. It is either I'm just super bad at picking the right answers but it is so hard for me to raise that meter almost every route I did. And yet again. Some routes were worse than others. At least I always end up getting the normal ending... For the most part...

Lets move onto their new games now. First there is their premium route split off. Then there is their EVERY CHAPTER checkpoint challenges. Also just some games just never ending that should really be getting an ending, like I swear please just make like a true end or something. Just finish it! Not only that but I just love how they discontinue the games a lot of people love but continue other ones. Like I am so salty over these games sometimes. Reading the comments don't help also. Like I don't know I guess I was a little bias this whole time. This I guess also states my opinion in a way also I guess. In all due honesty I really have nothing against any of their games it's just... Like what happened? The last game that came out by NTT Solmare that I'm actually still super excited to play which I will sometime this summer is "Lost Alice+". Though with "Modern Cinderella" and now this new game. Both of them are just kinda eh to me.

Now I'm not against them at all. I'll always cheer on and support them. It's just these last two just haven't really impressed me yet. Though I guess that if I want a fairytale then I would like it to be like in the fantasy world anyway since that is where the story is from right? Like "My Fairytale+" by them is amazing! I love it so much! Though this is all my opinion. I bet once I give those games a try they will probably be quite fun and enjoyable. There is actually also other things I want to mention but I just can't find the right words to put them in. So for now if you guys have anything to say or add on then please comment down below! Or else talk to you guys later!

(Sorry! No links for this post~!)