Sunday, June 18, 2017

Let's Move On To Cupcakes! +Reject

Hello! Welcome back to another post! I'm going to be continuing with talking about otome companies. Though I guess I should also switch it to drama CD's, since this post is about Reject. Reject is known for games like "Diabolik Lovers" and  "Marginal #4", plus many more. Also for making drama CD's for the female audience. Now I can't say much about them since I only know things about them based off of wiki's, blog post's, and the anime's they have for their games (plus also their official sites for games and drama CD's), since I'm not a Japanese speaker. Though just because I may only doing this post off of those few things, doesn't mean I can't talk about it.

When it comes to their games I don't really see any bad reviews. Unless I'm just looking in the wrong places or just not coming across any. I do see mixed reviews but only a few here or there. I mostly just look at the ones for their drama CD's for the most part. Just due to the fact that I tend to find more of their drama CD's through the internet then their games really. Though before I say anything else Reject also sometimes partners up with other companies for games like one company is Otomate. So I may also be referring to some of those games as well.

But when I see an official site for a drama CD by them I tend to be really into it. So I tend to research it more then some games. (Of course with there being an exception to some games and such.) Like I recently came across a drama CD by them called "√HAPPY+SUGAR=IDOL", since I was researching a voice actor and he was in this. (Though I still don't really remember how I came across this CD.) I came across some posts about it, though with them mostly only being about their first one for this series called "√HAPPY+SUGAR=DARLIN". In the end though I really enjoyed listening to their voice samples... Haha...

I noticed though that a lot of people tend to not really know it. At least in the USA. I don't really know how it is in Japan. I think that I will actually end this post here though. If you have anything to say then please comment down below and give me your thoughts! Or else talk to you guys later!


"√HAPPY+SUGAR=IDOL" Official Page:

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