Sunday, December 25, 2016

It's Time for an Otome Chat! +Mystic Messenger Christmas DLC

Hello! I'm back again with another post and Merry Christmas~~! I hope you guys had a wonderful Christmas! I sure did! Though now I'm extremely exhausted.. Anyways! To start off this post I'm going to talk about "Mystic Messenger"s Christmas DLC. I already finished ZEN's ending in it and I loved it so much! I'm doing them in the order of when I first played "Mystic Messenger". Though... For Christmas I did got two new otome games to play so I'm on hiatus on the Christmas DLC for awhile... Though I'm still going to talk about it in this post! I'm mostly going to focus on ZEN since his is the one I did so.. Expect that while reading.

In all due honesty... I wasn't in the Christmas mood or I guess felt like it was Christmas until I played this DLC. Even though my house is decorated and stuff it just didn't really feel like Christmas to me. Though once I played this it definitely changed! Not only that but I felt really really happy to be in the "Mystic Messenger" vibe again! Even though it's only been over two months since I last played/even opened "Mystic Messenger", it still felt nice to do again. I would say that everything is really sweet also! Of course there is going to be somethings to figure out that you don't get the pleasure of doing in the original story mode but that makes this one seem more fun in it's own ways~!

It do recommend this especially for people who are into "Mystic Messenger"! It's a nice side things to do~. Though.. It does cost 100 hourglasses. Anyways... I'm now going to talk about "Uta no Prince Sama"! The final episode of it's season 4 (Legend Star) came out yesterday and I'm so hyped to start watching it! Since I've waited all this time for the season to end so I can just binge watch it all in one night and now I finally can! And on Christmas also! Ah... This is amazing~! Though... I think I'm going to end it here for today! I know it's a short-eh post than normal but I have some anime to watch and I'm exhausted so... If you want to talk about something on this post or another then leave a comment down below and I'll reply as soon as I can! So, talk to you gals later!


"Mystic Messenger" App Store (IOS):

"Mystic Messenger" Google Play (Android):

Sunday, December 18, 2016

What Cafe Would You Like to Go for This Otome Chat? +Genres to See More of in Otome Games

Hello! I'm back again with yet another post! So today I'm obviously going to talk about genres that I would like to see more mixed in with otome games, but also more like supernatural type people/routes/males and such in otome games also! So to start it off I'm going to talk about the horror themes genre. I am a person who enjoys scary things just as much as I love happy and cheerful things. Not only that but I'm also a person who loves gore and graphic pictures and scenes so it would only be natural for me to like this genre also. Not only that but since otome games are usually always so happy and cheerful, normal modern life, and that I don't really see a lot of these horror plus romance otome games then I would really enjoy some more of them! Also since the really bloody scenes with a CG of the MC plus the guy you choose like covered in blood and stuff would be really amazing!

Not only that but since it would also be mixed with horror it would give the reader/player a thrill and such also! It would also make for some steamy and seductive scenes also don't you think? Of course there is a lot more I could mention about this, but I think you guys get most of the point!  Anyways... The next genre is comedy. Now I know that a lot of otome games or visual novels like this is normally wacky and such. Though... What happens if you were able to date comedians? Like you were able to date one in "My Forged Wedding" by Voltage inc.. Though it would be like a comedy plus romance since the guy you choose would always be cracking jokes and such (funny or not) through out their routes, but would of course be serious and loving in the right moments!

So it wouldn't really be that much of a wacky otome game but just like a normal one with comedy elements and such mixed in with it. Though this is all I have time for on this post so I might make a part two of this post in the future some time. Though I hope you enjoyed this post and if you want to talk about something on this post or another post or whatever then leave a comment down below and I'll reply as soon as I can! So thank you for reading this post and I'll talk to you gals later!


"My Forged Wedding" App Store (IOS):

"My Forged Wedding" Free Ver. App Store (IOS):

"My Forged Wedding" Google Play (Android):

"My Forged Wedding" Free Ver. Google Play (Android):

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Let's Add Some More Sugar to Our Otome Games! +Non-Playable Characters in Otome Games

Hello! I'm back again here with another post! Now I'm going to talk about otome game characters that are not playable but I would really like for them to have a route in the game. Also, I should mention that this idea came to me when I finally decided to go on the otome amino app and this challenge was up that people were doing so I was just like... This seems like a good idea to do for my blog! So... Hence why I'm talking about it today. So the first person I'm going to talk about is Hansel from "OZMAFIA!!". Even though he is I guess what we would say wild or I guess more like extreme, He is still a guy I would like to date a lot!

Even though we would have to go through a lot of things because of Gretel and since he of course loves his sister a lot, I think it would make for a good and interesting story plot. Though I also believe that if Aelling would have a route then his would be very interesting and entertaining also! Since he is so shy and such~! So, for my next person I'm going with Mr. Yujin from "Nameless ~the one thing you must recall~". To me he is really enjoyable in the game and since I also kinda like those creepy doctors you see in otome games or not.

Also... Just think about one of his bad endings being you as his new Beatrice... (Which kinda reminds me of one of Tei's bad endings, but it would of course be way different than that and would probably be more mature since for the people who did play Nameless... Then you obviously saw how Mr. Yujin was with Beatrice so... And he is an adult also... So I would want it to be mature, different and such!) Though... That is of course if your into that type of thing... Since I do understand that some people of course don't like that sort of thing and stuff happens in people past and such. Though of course I'm a person who loves twisted romance and stuff like that so, that's probably why.

I also think it would be interesting since I'm pretty sure also in a route it talked about him having a family? So... That could also help with the story plot! Anyways, the next person is Cardia from "Shall We Date?: Guilty Alice". Honestly the only time you really get to know more about him or talk to him most and/or such is in Mad's route. So I would really like a route for him NTT Solmare! Not only that but I'm a huge "Alice in Wonderland" geek/junkie. So for me it's like the more Wonderland characters the better! Not only that but since we don't know a whole lot about Cardia it makes him interesting! It makes me want to know more about him! So I really do hope they come out with a route for him! Not only that but what could NTT Solmare possibly do now with Guilty Alice besides write a route for Cardia!

And so... I guess this wraps up this post! I hope you guys enjoyed reading this post! (Or at least some what did?) If you guys want to talk to me about anything in this post or another then just comment below and I'll try to reply as soon as possible! Though anyways for now... Talk to you gals later!


"OZMAFIA!!" Steam:

"Nameless ~the one thing you must recall~ Steam:

"Shall We Date?: Guilty Alice" App Store (IOS):

"Shall We Date?: Guilty Alice" Google Play (Android):

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Ready for a Chat? +Otome Games That Give You an Emotional Feel/Deep Connection

Hello! I'm back here again with another post! Now today I'm going to talk about otome games that gives us a really deep connection with the characters. Now I'm a person who does get really deep into all of the otome games I play which sometimes leads to a very long time of crying and just trying to move on from the game. Though it will always stay securely in my heart. So here are some of mine and others otome games that I've/we've played that made us feel like this. So to start off! We will go with the one that came out this year that just blew up all over the place once it came out, which is called "Mystic Messenger".

Now for otome fans obviously you have or at least herd of "Mystic Messenger" by Cheritz. To me Cheritz likes to write really emotional otome games. Like I cried while playing all three of their games. Now since you play this game for over a month since it's based off real time then obviously you will just naturally get into a deep connection with it, if you even choose to continue playing it til the end and such. I remember reading comments and posts of "Mystic Messenger" everywhere. I read how people felt once they finished the game. Honestly, I really cried while I was reading the after ending episodes since that really took a turn on my emotions. So I really do recommended this game to otome fans.

The next game will of course be "Amnesia: Memories". Now if you go on Steam then there are plenty of good reviews on this game and even on the app stores also. Now this game does that exact same thing and just makes me have a deep connection with it. I know a lot of people don't like Toma's route in this game so his route I feels like ruin it for them since some people ONLY talk about how much they hate or whatever with his route. To me I honestly love his route. I feel like if you hate his route then at least find something good in it that you like or ignore it and not let his route destroy or connection with the game or anything. Also, this doesn't go for just Toma's route but for any of the routes in any otome game.

Though for people who haven't watched the anime or played the game of Amnesia then you could be confused right now on what I'm talking about for why people hate Toma's route and you will understand if you do one or the other. Now in all honesty then I would of talked about another game but this post is already quite long enough and I feel like a longer post than I normally do would bore people so this is the end. I hope you really enjoyed reading this post and if you have any questions then you can surely ask me or if you want to talk about some thing then comment down below and I'll reply as soon as I can! Though for now, I'll talk to you gals later!


"Mystic Messenger" App Store (IOS):

"Mystic Messenger" Google Play (Android):

"Amnesia: Memories" App Store (IOS):

"Amnesia: Memories Premium Edition" App Store (IOS):

"Amnesia: Memories" Google Play (Android):

"Amnesia: Memories Premium Editon" Google Play (Android):

"Amnesia: Memories" Steam: