Sunday, November 19, 2017

How About a Roller Coaster Full of Music? +Background Music

Hello! Welcome back to another post! The only news I have to start off this post is that "Mystic Messenger" is going to have another DLC. Though that's really it. Also that I have noticed this a few weeks ago but animate's facebook page as to were they post about games and everything actually ended up getting deleted. I don't know if they made a new one or anything since I never really looked into it, though if any of you know anything then please tell me!

Now let's get on with the discussion! This discussion is the third and last part to the music of otome games. Honestly when I think about it most blog posts are mostly about there top 5 songs or whatever.  Though since I really love all of them I'm just more like stating my own opinion and everything by not doing that. Anyways let's continue! This post is about background music in otome games. In all due honesty though I think it's kinda rare for me to focus or think about back ground music since I'm just always so absorbed in reading, though I also do notice it. So who can say really.

I know that every time I hear really dramatic, scary, creepy, or intense background music in a game then my heart beat suddenly jumps or I try to prepare myself for something to happen. I felt this a lot in "Mystic Messenger" when I was playing. Every time that type of music played I always felt like I was going to get a bad end, so it gave me a lot of anxiety in those moments, haha... Though I also felt this with other games. I also notice very clearly nice, calm, and soothing back ground music.

One of these was one in "Norn9: Var Commons". It's the one with Heishi playing his shinobu. I'm pretty sure it's called "Release The Wind". I love it so much! I think it's really pretty and enjoyable to listen to. Though of course background music all depends on you and your taste. Background music helps to also tell the mood of the scene in a game as well. So I would say background music could either help with a scene or not. Though a game with no background music doesn't really count in this since that's all up to the writing. So keep those games out of this if you may. Background music also helps convey the character's feelings into the game also. especially since sometimes when you look at background music you will sometimes see character themes. Of course it also helps to put the right music into the right scenes as well.

I think I'll close this discussion here. I'll end this post now. Thank you for reading this post and if you have anything you want to add on or say then comment below! Or else I'll talk to you guys later!


"Mystic Messenger" App Store (IOS/ITunes):

"Mystic Messenger" Google Play (Android):

"Norn9: Var Commons" PS Vita - Amazon:

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