Sunday, October 30, 2016

Otome Chat Ready! +Pacthesis +Joilly +CloudNovel

Hello! I'm back again with another post! Today I'm going to talk about otome games and/or where you can find otome games that I guess you could say are either made by one person or a small group of people. So I also guess people who made these otome games as a hobby. (Or you can just call it what ever I guess?)

Well... Anyways... First off I'm going to talk about Pacthesis games. She has been making otome games for awhile and she just started making another one this year the should be out at the end of this year or sometime next year. She first started out on DeviantArt though now she has a website for all of her dating sims (otome games) so it is much easier to find them all. I really enjoy her games since they aren't like your typical otome game I guess? Not only that but to me they are really fun to play and to go through the dialogue and such. Not only that but to me I would say she has some pretty strong-willed MC's. I also enjoy the girl route she puts in some of her games since they are always sweet.

It's also nice to read hidden character stories and the codes she has after an ending are helpful also. So... Her games are really nice and great so check them out and I'll put the links down below! Also as a like P.S, a lot of people on DeviantArt make otome/dating sim games so just go on DeviantArt and search otome or dating sim (also visual novel if you don't want an otome or dating sim) in the bar and you'll find plenty others that are just as amazing!

Now I'm actually going to move on to Joilly. Now a lot of people might now this website and the owner/maker of the website and games since she is known for her otome game "Café Rouge". I have played this game and it is definitely something I have never played before so far. Now how I found out about "Café Rouge" is because I played the game "Skights" which I grew deeply in love with and ended up find more games by her. Now "Café Rouge" is basically about you working in this café and all of your coworkers are basically vampires and you are the only human basically. Though this game has a really good and amazing story line and to me I played it at night so some parts could be pretty scary but to me I just felt like it in enhanced my play through of it even more.

I also recommend this to people who are huge vampire lover fans also considering that yo don't really see many otome games with vampires in them really also. So... Try out this game by Sonya X which will a link down below. Also for the final thing which actually connects to "Skights" is the website CloudNovel. This website has a whole bunch of VNs, otome games and dating sim games that are all made by peole who do this as a hobby. All the stories on CloudNovel are free and a lot of them are top quality. Some people make them with other people on the website or with people they know and it's always really fun to see what's on the website and the stories you find to read.

Actually CloudNovel was how I found "Skights" and Joilly/Sonya X. So you should definitely check it out and not only that but you can make your on VN's, otome games or dating sims on the website and post it out for the public there also! it also doesn't matter if your a bad drawer or if you don't have the things to make one since all you need is the story since people on there already made spirits and text-boxes and such to make a story. There are also tutorials on the website made by Sonya X that helps you make a VN on CloudNovel and such. So it will be really interesting to see what you guys will make on there. I bet it will be great!

Anyways... That's going to be all for this post! If you have any questions about anything on this post or other posts or just want to talk about otome games or such then we can talk! Anyways... I really enjoyed writing this post and hoped you guys enjoyed reading it! And so for now... Talk to you gals later!


Pacthesis DevitanArt Profile:

Pacthesis Games Website:



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