Sunday, October 23, 2016

Ready for an Otome Chat? +Princess of Desire +Love is a Game

Hello! I'm back again with another post and today I'm going to talk about otome games that are in the process of being made. I've been looking at a few for quite awhile so I could of mentioned some of theses in the past but decided to talk about them again. So I'm first going to talk about "Princess of Desire" that is being made by Eternal Ninja Gaming. This game is in the process of being made and I think it will be in interesting otome game. Their idea for this otome game intrigues me and I'm willing to give it a shot since to me it seems to have potential quality,

The story is about you being a sleeping princess torn between two worlds of politics and fantasy. The man of your dreams just might be a creature that is actually a cursed man! Choose from 6 different types of guys, the Manipulative Spider, Cold Cat, Lazy Goat, Flirty Raven, Mischievous Mouse or the Shy Butterfly, your one companion in all the madness. With 3 different outcomes from your choices, will you just be friends, will you be cursed or will you become lovers? -Eternal Ninja Gaming

So in all honestly this game is one I'll be looking forward to and will definitely try out! The next one is "Love is a Game" by Audilis. I know I've talked about this one in a post in the past but it still really interests me. This game is about a girl like us who plays otome games except the boys in the otome game she plays become real. Now... Probably all of us wish that our otome boys could be real but... Technology is still not that advanced yet.. So all we can do is pray and wish... and hope for the best!

I am seriously looking forward to this game though! It's different from other otome games and I think it will be lots of fun to read and play! In fact the demo is already out so I'll put them down below! Also even though the Kickstarter for this project is over... You can still donate to them through their website which will also be down below!

The last one I'm going to talk about is "Ethereal Creatures Supernatural VN" by Sheng Xiong/Valerie. (Sorry... don't know/can't find the company's name so just putted the name of the person who is running the go fund me for it. Unless it is the name? Well.. Who knows?) So even though it says VN, it is an otome game. The art style seems really nice and the guys look pretty good also.. Though they don't have a description of the story though you can guess that there will be something supernatural like in this otome game. Also that this otome game will be 18+ though they DO give you the option of turning it off if you want to.

They also have a go fund me for this project and will end up getting a Kickstarter so I will put the go fund me down below! So... That is all for this post! If you just search hard enough or just follow the right people on social media and such, then I would say you would find some pretty interesting otome games being made but you should also make sure to give them a chance before you judge them also. Well... If you have any questions or want to talk about something on this post or other posts or whatever. Then please do! Anyways... Bye for now and talk to you gals later!


"Princess of Desire" Homepage:

Audilis ("Love is a Game") Homepage:

"Love is a Game" Late Pledge/Donation Page:

"Love is a Game" Computer Demo:

"Love is a Game" App Store (IOS) Demo:

"Love is a Game" Google Play (Android) Demo:

"Ethereal Creatures Supernatural VN" GoFundMe:

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