Sunday, March 20, 2016

ANNIVERSARY! +How I Started Liking Otome Games! ^w^

Hello! Skye again! So i'm just going to say a few things! First off... from today... it has been a year since I started playing otome games! ^w^ I can't believe it's been a year so far! I also can't believe I spent so much money on them also... and way more money to spend to come! ^w^ I has been a wonderful year though of playing them! I don't regret it one bit! ^w^ So before I start talking about other things... I'm going to say how I got started and hooked on them! So let the story... begin!
It was late at night and I was playing this game on my iPad (forgot what game ;-;) and this ad came up for a otome game called "Midnight Cinderella". I could of skipped the ad but it looked really interesting and I was really bored of my other apps but I also love fantasy and fairytales a lot also! So I decided to install it and check it out and before I knew it I realized it was like a story! So as I was playing it once I saw knight Alyn I knew he was the one to choose! ^w^ Also before I knew it I got really hooked on it and ended up being super sad once I ran out of story tickets. (Also even though it was so late at night be and my older sister were both still up and she was watching the music channel on TV. Then as I was playing "Midnight Cinderella" "Love Me Like You Do" by "Ellie Goulding" came on and I was listening to it while playing and now it's my all time favorite song in the world because it reminds me of this special time in my life. Also when I first started playing theses games so it's really special to me and always will be! ^w^) Once I realized it was like midnight (Heh...) I decided it's time to go to bed. Then I had fantasies of Alyn all night that night. I woke up the very next day and since it was Sunday I went back on my iPad went to the app store and searched 'Dating Sims' and once I searched it I found "NTT Solmare's" games ("Shall We Date?") and downloaded them all and played them all day and night that day (honestly). Then it just became a regular thing to do after school from a stressful day and as the months went by I found more of them and found "Voltage Inc."!  So now they are a daily thing in my life and I still do enjoy them very much! (My friends are starting to find it super annoying ;-; but... they still love me! ^w^)
So that's my story and sorry that it's super long... ;-; But thank you for reading it all if you did! I hope I kept it interesting... anyways I also found this article today about otome games and I think you should all read it! ^w^
Here's the link!:
Anyways sorry for it being so long this is honestly the longest post I've did and I hope I kept it interesting! I would also really like to know how you guys started to like otome games as well! Anyways see you guys next time bye!^w^

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