Sunday, March 25, 2018

A Main Ingredient! +Otome Stories/Plots

Hello! Welcome back to another post! For people who have read my last post then you will know that I talked about some main things for otome games that could more or less get someone hooked on wanting that game. So, today I'll be kinda taking that one step further. The first thing on my list from last weeks post was the Story/Genre. So this will be the main idea of the blog for this weeks. Though I may or may not talked about this in the past, and I feel like I kinda talk about this a lot in other posts, but it is always nice to revisit it and to just make a whole post of it. (Also, the next following weeks posts, may or may not be continuing that blog. (But I may revisit Voice Actors, since I did make a post solely on that, though I feel like restating it.)

Let's get on with this post though. So I'll first start off with genre, though it may just end up leading to the mixing of the two anyways, since they do go together. I'm pretty sure everyone knows what genre means, so I'll avoid explaining it. Though for the most part every otome game has a genre. There could also be a mix of genres also though. Normally people tend to go for or be more attracted to genres that they enjoy. I'm pretty much the same as well, though it is always a good thing to try out different one or to play one that isn't really or favorite. (I explained this in my last blog.) Though I play any otome game regardless, but the genre does help in my excitement level of the game.

The story is obviously based off of the genre (it's always romance + insert another genre here, etc), though it could also be vice-versa. When I write a story the genre is always based on the story for me. Though I guess you could have a certain one in mind while making it, etc. In an otome game you have an overall theme/main story plot, but then you have your route stories/plots. So when you think about it, it technically is multiple stories in one. (Or adds up to one story.) Though even though it could all end being one main story, obviously other route plots (or even all) could end up entertaining you/you could end up enjoying them better than others. Though when you read a synopsis of an otome game I guess you are reading about the overall main story in the end.

I think I'll end this post here. Hopefully I was able to shed some light on something at least. Though if you'd like to add in your own thoughts then comment down below! Or else I'll talk to you guys later!

(No links here~!)

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