Sunday, August 28, 2016

Cheritz Talk! +Mystic Messenger +Nameless ~the one thing you must recall~ +Dandelion ~wishes brought to you~

Hello again! I'm back with another blog post! Though I'm going to just talk about Cheritz's otome games since they are just amazing~! Anyways, I finished ZEN's route today and I loved it a lot~! I seriously felt like crying at the end of his route since I loved it so much. I'm really enjoying this game so far! Once I was done with ZEN's route I actually spent 80 hourglasses to unlock the deep stories so I can play Jumin's route. So right now I am working my way towards him~!

At first I was just thinking to finish the casual stories then do the deep stories but in the end I just decided to do that since I will end up reading his anyways and I really wanted to play his route right away. I am very happy with this game though I knew I would love this game no matter what anyways since I absolutely loved "Nameless ~the one thing you must recall~" and "Dandelion ~wishes brought to you~". I was actually so lucky to be able to buy and play Nameless and Dandelion this year before
"Mystic Messenger" came out for IOS.

I actually also really enjoy comparing the characters of Cheritz's games together. So like how I think Jihae is Tei's and Lance's love child. (I played Nameless before Dandelion so it makes since why I think that.) I don't know if anyone else does that but for some odd reason.. I really enjoy doing that since it's fun for me~!

Though I honestly really do love Cheritz games since their games are unique! Their games aren't really like other otome games that you see, which is amazing! I honestly wish I was into otome games when they first came out with Dandelion, since I would of bought merchandise and their limited edition things for Dandelion and Nameless when they had them. Luckily though I was able to buy a Nameless Memo Pad since they ended up restocking them but I was also able to buy a RFA VIP Package for "Mystic Messenger". So I am at least happy I got into otome games before "Mystic Messenger" came out or else I would of missed out on the VIP Package for it.

Not only that but Cheritz's games will always hold a special place in my heart no matter what. They just made the games be so enjoyable and emotional that they will just always stick with me. I even loved the characters so much in each game including "Mystic Messenger", so all of the characters will stay in my heart also. Not only that but Cheritz really knows how to make me feel like I'm in the game so like I'm in the world the characters are. I really felt that especially while playing "Mystic Messenger". So I felt excited, happy, and all those emotions a lot while playing not only "Mystic Messenger" but Nameless and Dandelion as well. Those feelings also linger even once I'm done playing a route or whatever.

So I think Cheritz will be in my heart a long time along with their games and characters. Honestly they are an amazing otome company and they should keep making more otome games! Normally I never buy merchandise for an otome game I love a lot or for an otome game coming out, but I love Cheritz's games so much that I just had to buy those two things. I actually worked to buy those two things since I wanted them so bad and I was really sad when all their other merchandise was sold out for Dandelion and all the other Nameless merchandise. Not only that but when I was planning on buying more "Mystic Messenger" merchandise everything was like sold out when I had the money to buy more.

So now I'm just saving up money to buy the DLC's and such for Nameless and Dandelion on Steam. I also know I'm blabbing a lot about this and it's probably really boring but I just wanted to be honest with my feelings about Cheritz's and their games. Though if you did read this than thank you for reading! I know I said this would be short also but I just had to talk about it! I also really do hope Cheritz make more otome games since they are so worth it to buy! Anyways that's all for now guys and I know barely anyone reads my blog but if you do... Thank you again! (Even if you just read this blog post... Thank you!) Anyways... Bye and thank you..!


"Mystic Messenger" App Store:

"Mystic Messenger" Google Play Store:

"Nameless ~the one thing you must recall~" Steam:

"Dandelion ~wishes brought to you~" Steam:

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