Hello! Welcome back to another post! Before I start off this post I do want to mention real quick that for people who bought games on Voltage stand alone apps, then make sure to transfer all of your apps to their app Love 365 and also do it as fast as you can since they do have a transfer deadline date for them! (Varies on when app transfers over, normally a 3 month time period. Link below of the transfer end dates.)
Though now let's get onto the main focus of this post! Last week's post I mentioned that I would make a post about "Period: Cube ~Shackles of Amadeus~" once I finished it! Well... I did finish it, I just haven't read or looked at any of his perspective's yet. Honestly I also tried to see and figure out if there was like a true route just to make sure and sure enough there wasn't any, so I really am finished. Honestly I personally really enjoyed this game. I know that Otomate games for some people are either hit or miss, good, or just bad. Though I really enjoyed this title and this was the title I was most excited for out off all of the English PS Vita releases last year. So I guess that could've also helped out in a way?
Synopsis (Link - http://aksysgames.com/pcube/ ):
Searching for clues about your missing brother, you and your childhood friend Hiroya begin playing an online RPG called “Arcadia.”
You’re suddenly enveloped in a flash of light, and awaken to find yourself in a mysterious fantasy world. You discover you’ve been sent inside of the game, and learn that the only way out is to complete it. In a deadly world on the verge of collapse, you become the “Almighty,” the key to clearing Arcadia, and the secret weapon everyone is after.
You and your companions undertake a perilous journey, where love grows as the world falls apart.
(If things seem spacey or out of detail then that's because I'm trying to make it spoiler free~!)
In this game I loved all of the characters! Even some side characters like Forte. I always enjoyed seeing them appear in the other routes that I've done once I actually knew more about them and everything. I feel like they made a lot of things more light hearted and enjoyable during certain times. Actually when I first saw and heard Jocus in the first route I've done, I instantly recognized his voice actor, which made me very surprised at first, but happy at the end. (Especially since I only look at the main guy's voice actors, so obviously I would be a bit surprised.)
My first route for this game was Astrum's route. And I finished this game on Demento's. Honestly my first time playing is always a mystery since I always just go with fate and I guess fate has lead me to Astrum first and if I realized/figured out how to get Demento's route sooner I would've played him way sooner. Also since I'm pretty sure Hiroya and Poyo-Poyo's routes are supposed to be the last two that you play, but whoops. If I did play Demento's route earlier then Poyo-Poyo's route would've been last. (And I would've liked to of made Demento my second route then. Though I do feel some disappointment that his route was so short? Like maybe it's because I started it off right were we can level up our affection with him, but still. When I think about it though it was pretty good and wrapped him up nicely, so maybe I'm just messed up with how short it is, since I was so used to the other ones being full routes.)
I am just happy that Hiroya's character type isn't one I'm all to attracted to, haha... In the end though I really loved and enjoyed this game! I personally have a few routes that I just ended up enjoying a lot more than others. I also enjoyed the art and it was pretty entertaining story wise. Not only that but I also enjoyed the RPG parts. So I do recommend this game to people who are interested but don't know if they should try it out yet!
In the end I think I'll end this post here! If you want to add on your own thoughts or feelings then comment down below! Or else I'll talk to you guys later!
Voltage inc Love 365 Transfer End Dates Link: https://www.facebook.com/VoltageVisualRomanceAppsNOVEL/photos/a.156605064405854.37026.156602444406116/1596686100397736/?type=3
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