Sunday, November 26, 2017

New and Old Themes! +Seduced in the Sleepless City +Ikemen Revolution: Love & Magic in Wonderland

Hello! Welcome back to another post! I actually feel like crying a little bit at all the good news this week! Well.. It's technically only two, but both make me so happy that I could cry. I'll first start off with the Voltage Inc news! Voltage Inc decided to bring "Seduced in the Sleepless City" back! It will be in Voltage Inc's new all in one app called "Love 365: Find Your Love" which is already out! Honestly this alone makes me just now start loving this all in one app of theirs. I'm an extremely huge fan of Seduced so once it was getting off of the store and everything of course I felt really sad a shed tears for it. Though it's making a comeback now! In fact Voltage inc is also releasing brand new characters also with it! I can't wait to play their routes! Epilogues will also be added to the proposal stories as well! 

The other thing that I'm going to talk about is about Cybird's new game that is going to be translated to English and come out next year! This game is called "Ikemen Revolution: Love & Magic in Wonderland"! I'm such a HUGE "Alice in Wonderland" fan, so I'm really happy about this coming to English! Especially since I've had my eye on this game by them for quite awhile! I would post the story in this blog but it's in the video down below that I've linked and I personally think it would be better to watch it then to just read it. It start's at 4:38 and ends at 6:33. This game is partially voiced like Ikemen Sengoku is. Not only that but there are a lot of familiar names in the list that I've noticed! I really think I'll enjoy it's story and everything it has to offer! This game might be the game to also get me back into playing my free apps again also!

I should actually start playing them again soon, now that I'm so hyped for this game to come out! Sadly though I have to end this post. I actually might do a discussion post on both games, but I don't really know yet. Though if you want to add on to or say something then please comment down below! Also please tell me what you think about all of this! Or else I'll talk to you guys later!


Cybird's Video (4:38 - 6:33 for "Ikemen Revolution: Love & Magic in Wonderland"):

Sunday, November 19, 2017

How About a Roller Coaster Full of Music? +Background Music

Hello! Welcome back to another post! The only news I have to start off this post is that "Mystic Messenger" is going to have another DLC. Though that's really it. Also that I have noticed this a few weeks ago but animate's facebook page as to were they post about games and everything actually ended up getting deleted. I don't know if they made a new one or anything since I never really looked into it, though if any of you know anything then please tell me!

Now let's get on with the discussion! This discussion is the third and last part to the music of otome games. Honestly when I think about it most blog posts are mostly about there top 5 songs or whatever.  Though since I really love all of them I'm just more like stating my own opinion and everything by not doing that. Anyways let's continue! This post is about background music in otome games. In all due honesty though I think it's kinda rare for me to focus or think about back ground music since I'm just always so absorbed in reading, though I also do notice it. So who can say really.

I know that every time I hear really dramatic, scary, creepy, or intense background music in a game then my heart beat suddenly jumps or I try to prepare myself for something to happen. I felt this a lot in "Mystic Messenger" when I was playing. Every time that type of music played I always felt like I was going to get a bad end, so it gave me a lot of anxiety in those moments, haha... Though I also felt this with other games. I also notice very clearly nice, calm, and soothing back ground music.

One of these was one in "Norn9: Var Commons". It's the one with Heishi playing his shinobu. I'm pretty sure it's called "Release The Wind". I love it so much! I think it's really pretty and enjoyable to listen to. Though of course background music all depends on you and your taste. Background music helps to also tell the mood of the scene in a game as well. So I would say background music could either help with a scene or not. Though a game with no background music doesn't really count in this since that's all up to the writing. So keep those games out of this if you may. Background music also helps convey the character's feelings into the game also. especially since sometimes when you look at background music you will sometimes see character themes. Of course it also helps to put the right music into the right scenes as well.

I think I'll close this discussion here. I'll end this post now. Thank you for reading this post and if you have anything you want to add on or say then comment below! Or else I'll talk to you guys later!


"Mystic Messenger" App Store (IOS/ITunes):

"Mystic Messenger" Google Play (Android):

"Norn9: Var Commons" PS Vita - Amazon:

Sunday, November 12, 2017

What Would You Enjoy Listening To? +Opening and Ending Songs

Hello! Welcome back to another post! I really quickly want to announce that Voltage Inc's newest app "Love 365: Find Your Story" came out today! So as you all know this is the app that has all of Voltage's apps in it. All of their games will also be updated through this app as well. Two new games also came out in this app as well. At the moment they only have it for Google Play though IOS probably isn't to far away. Honestly I was pretty sad about "Seduced in the Sleepless City" going away but there is a possibility that it's actually in Love 365. I mean that would make the most reasonable sense and I would find it quite add if it wasn't there. Though anyways like the title says this post will e about otome opening and ending songs!

So, let the discussion begin! I will first start off by talking about opening songs. Opening songs I would say are actually quite important to the introduction of the game and the game overall. The opening song sets the mood to the game, so a bad opening song would probably make me not as interested or into a game. Opening songs could have either just music or lyrics and singing also. To me it doesn't really matter if it has singing or not. It just matters if it introduces the game properly that I'm still into it or end up becoming more pumped and ready for it.

Now when it comes to ending songs then that it quite different. To me I always enjoy ending songs a bit more than opening songs. Probably because they always have a more emotional approach and it kinda recaps everything of the persons route or of the game if it's a true end. So I think I would always pay more attention to how the ending song is portrayed and made. The video of it doesn't really matter to me but the song does. Even if I can't understand what they are singing right away, I can still tell through how the song is played and how they sing it with their voice.

Even though I said that I probably lean more towards ending songs, I would probably say that I listen more to opening songs in the long run. I would have to say that that is also mostly due to how easy they are to find over ending songs, but if a game has a good opening song. Then that would also make sense as to why I wouldn't mind listening to it.

I think this discussion has now come to a close. (At least for this part.) The next one will be about BGM (back ground music.) Though I think this shall be the end of this post. If you want to add on or say something then comment down below! Or else I'll talk to you guys later!


"Love 365: Find Your Story" Google Play (Android):

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Let's Enjoy A Musical Theme! +Character Songs

Hello! Welcome back to another post! This is actually most likely going to be a discussion post. If you read the title then you actually know that it is going to be about character songs! Now almost a year ago I made a post about otome songs. Basically it was just about me recommending a person to find an English translation to character songs. It was also about how I actually got first into them also! Though I feel like I need to actually talk about them in a better way and more in depth. Also this post will most likely be a two part-er. I'm not going to make two posts about character songs, but this one will be about character songs while the other one will be about otome opening and ending songs. Though if I really want to I can make it a three part-er. Since I could also end up making a post about otome BGM (back ground music). Though we'll have to see about that one unless you guys want a post about it.

Let's get on with the discussion! Since I already talked about how I got into character songs I feel like it's best to just link that old post down below, so if you'd wish to see that one first then be my guest. I think I do want to start off by actually talking about what character songs mostly represent. Character songs are mostly about the character who is singing it. So it will mostly reflect their feelings and their life. So like a lot of drama CD's also come with songs sung by one of the characters or the character of the drama CD you got. That song that they sing reflects themselves and their drama CD. Or if you like a certain otome game character and you find out that they have a song that they sing. Then basically it will be about them and/or their feelings (in their route more or else, and/or also in that moment depending on if they sing the song in the game or not), or it could also be about their past and/or route. Though it could also be a mixture of it all.

Now, since I feel like I didn't a decent job about talking about it let's continue. I actually feel like character songs are a good way to connect to characters outside of their routes. Not only that but you can listen to songs anywhere, while when it comes to playing a route it could prove a little bit harder. Not only that but I think character songs or songs sung by the characters are really enjoyable to listen to. Not only that but if you are a huge musical person then of course you would just naturally enjoy these. (Or at least I hope.) I really enjoy character songs since I’m a huge musical person and I also feel like it’s also something that connects me more to the characters and game. Also something that can be done to further love the characters more as well. I feel like it is also something that fans can talk about with each other. It could also be something that could make other people into other games and characters.

Not only that but if you have a music deep friend and want to introduce them to a fandom or a certain character, then this could be the best way to go if they have character songs or at least one. I think this is all I’ll say about this topic. If I end up having more later or would like to revisit a year later then that is what will happen! Though if you’d like to say something about this or add to it then comment down below! Or else talk to you guys later!


Last Year’s Post About This Topic: