Sunday, August 20, 2017

Let's Talk Ice Cream Flavors! +Otome Stereotypes

Hello! Welcome back to another post! Now I know people talk about this all the type but... For this post I'll be talking about stereotypes. Now at first I felt like I should tell you the stereotype and describe it, but I have a feeling that it's no use and that it's rather something people just know. Especially with how much this topic has been talked about in the fandom. I might give a brief description though. Also I'll be giving how I feel about them, though I'm not picky and love all, so... I'm also going to mention that I'm not going to do all of them in this post (since that would obviously take a long time and such), so I'll only do 4 for this post. (I'll also mention that I'm not going to talk about Yandere's since I just talked about them recently.) So I might make more posts about this at a later time for other types.

Anyways! First type is the Gentleman type. Honestly speaking about this one, then I tend to normally do these guys towards the last of the routes. They aren't my last and I always tend to love and enjoy their routes, but I still normally don't do them as one of my first. (Though sometimes I do tend to pick them as one of my firsts.) This type tends to be really gentle and classy with the MC. (Other things also obviously,) I think most people know about this type so there is no need to talk about it any further.

The next type is the Playboy type. This one is also known as the Womanizer, Flirt, etc. I honestly find no use in explaining this type due to it being so obvious. So I'll go straight into how I feel/think of this type. When I first started playing otome games (and even still now some/most of the time) I used to always pick them as my first route. So I tend to like these types, even if people tend to not really like them in the fandom for the most part.

The next type is the Kuudere type. Kuudere's tend to be cold and distant, but warm up to you once they know/trust you better. (For the most part.) Honestly these types tend to be wherever in my order. Since sometimes I like them and sometimes I don't. I think it just all depends on how they writer/maker of the otome game portrays them. Of course there could be other factors also, but for the most part I tend to enjoy them. I enjoy the progression of the relationship in their routes.

The final stereotype for this post is Tsundere's. (I find it hard to believe that anyone would not know what this one is but just in case.) This type is when the character actually likes you (and/or already has fallen in love/has a crush on you) but shows it by being mean and harsh to you. (Again. For the most part. But they do warm up to you and eventuality confess their love to you.) I want to keep this one quick since I feel I'll get a lot of hate for this... But.. This one is probably my least favorite stereotype. I do still play their routes, but since I knew female tsundere's first and found them annoying I tended to feel that why towards the males. AT FIRST. Though now I'm pretty okay with them. To me it's just something on how the writer decided to portray it. Like there are actually A LOT of tsundere's I like now, just due to how the writer made/portrayed it in that character.

So I'm fine with them now. But at first it just bothered me and I tended to like a character a little less because of it, before I played their route. Though I have a decently liking towards them now. But in the end of all this I tend to equally play all their routes now. Like now I'm to really set-based on any type or anything. Now I just do which ever one I tend to feel attracted to most. But I think I'll end this post here. If you want to name down your favorite stereotype down below and explain why, then I would love to hear it! Or else talk to you guys later!

(No links for this post! Due to obvious reasons!)

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