Sunday, April 30, 2017

It's A New Type of Otome Sweet! +Corpse†Heart ~Undead Musical~ +The Final Dolls

Hello! Welcome back to yet another post! The topic of today's post is... Drama CD series! Both of them are by Reject and are coming out in July of this year. Now... Me not knowing Japanese makes it difficult. Though I still want to talk about them since they seem right up my alley! I'm also going to mention that both series are dummy head mic. So to start off the first one I'm going to talk about is "Corpse†Heart ~Undead Musical". This is the only one I think I can actually give you a lot of information, since the other one has like no English post about it what so ever. Anyways! Here is it's story/summary (with the link to the post of where I got all the information from down below!):

The princes of the undead [Corpses] will interweave a musical of the unusual.

At Midnight’s Black Magic School [The Unknown House] in the United Kingdom, all kinds of Undead [Corpses] gathers at the school where the motto is “death is the beginning of eternity”. Ghouls, Liches, Mummies and Wraiths…… They only have one purpose. That is to possess the Unknown Princess’s−− her “Jewel Heart” and it is said that if one was to obtain this Quivering Heart [Jewel], that undead will be able to revive and live once more.“Easter”, the season that comes by once a year has arrived and this year, they will aim for the princess. Due to the fact that the princes of the undead are all aiming for you, a conflict has started.

For they-- are already dead.

According to the post they will also have character songs as well. (Unless I'm just guessing that due to the ~Undead Musical~ part and it's not in the post) Though I love things that involve music especially if it is an otome game. (Though they are like all in Japanese but... Some have anime's for them!) I also love death also.. Or dating something that's dead..? (For people to understand me better and not think of me as weird then like Niflheim+ by NTT Solmare. That game is everything and I'm so sad they discontinued it. Though in my case I more like mean that like we are dead with them. Not like one alive one dead. That's just kinda weird to me.) Anyways, just to add like dead hot males/the underworld + music then to me that is everything. I am a total music junkie/nerd so I hope we get some translations for this series! The last Drama CD series is "The Final Dolls". (Or 終極のDOLLS, since I got that from Google Translate and we all know it can't be trusted sometimes.)

Now like I said I can't really say a lot about this one since no one really posted anything about it in English basically so... Though I will put down below the promotional video link to it and also to the other one down below. It's just I liked this one since I enjoy the doll theme also and the promotional video looks really good and made me interested in it. So that's my reasoning. Anyways for now I think I'll end it here! If you want to talk about something in this post or another then comment down below! Though for now... Talk to you guys later!


"Corpse†Heart ~Undead Musical~" Promotional Video:

"Corpse†Heart ~Undead Musical~" Website:

"Corpse†Heart ~Undead Musical~" Post as to where I got it's info:

"The Final Dolls" Promotional Video:

"The Final Dolls" Website:

"Niflheim+" App Store (IOS/ITunes):

"Niflheim+" Google Play (Android):

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