Sunday, March 25, 2018

A Main Ingredient! +Otome Stories/Plots

Hello! Welcome back to another post! For people who have read my last post then you will know that I talked about some main things for otome games that could more or less get someone hooked on wanting that game. So, today I'll be kinda taking that one step further. The first thing on my list from last weeks post was the Story/Genre. So this will be the main idea of the blog for this weeks. Though I may or may not talked about this in the past, and I feel like I kinda talk about this a lot in other posts, but it is always nice to revisit it and to just make a whole post of it. (Also, the next following weeks posts, may or may not be continuing that blog. (But I may revisit Voice Actors, since I did make a post solely on that, though I feel like restating it.)

Let's get on with this post though. So I'll first start off with genre, though it may just end up leading to the mixing of the two anyways, since they do go together. I'm pretty sure everyone knows what genre means, so I'll avoid explaining it. Though for the most part every otome game has a genre. There could also be a mix of genres also though. Normally people tend to go for or be more attracted to genres that they enjoy. I'm pretty much the same as well, though it is always a good thing to try out different one or to play one that isn't really or favorite. (I explained this in my last blog.) Though I play any otome game regardless, but the genre does help in my excitement level of the game.

The story is obviously based off of the genre (it's always romance + insert another genre here, etc), though it could also be vice-versa. When I write a story the genre is always based on the story for me. Though I guess you could have a certain one in mind while making it, etc. In an otome game you have an overall theme/main story plot, but then you have your route stories/plots. So when you think about it, it technically is multiple stories in one. (Or adds up to one story.) Though even though it could all end being one main story, obviously other route plots (or even all) could end up entertaining you/you could end up enjoying them better than others. Though when you read a synopsis of an otome game I guess you are reading about the overall main story in the end.

I think I'll end this post here. Hopefully I was able to shed some light on something at least. Though if you'd like to add in your own thoughts then comment down below! Or else I'll talk to you guys later!

(No links here~!)

Sunday, March 18, 2018

The Best Ingredients! +Otome Things

Hello! Welcome back to another post! Before I get to the main part of this post I'd like to mention that "Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly", "Psychedelica of the Ashen Hawk", and "7'scarlet" are all ready for pre-order on Amazon! So I'll make sure to leave a link down below to each page. The main thing I'll be talking about in this post is things I find as a big part of an otome game. You could also think of this as things that make an otome game. Though that could/may differ. But let's get started with it!

When I think about this the first thing that comes to my mind is the story/genre. Even though both the story and genre could probably be split up, it more or else also fits together. Since a story could be based off a genre or vise versa, etc. This basically also determines to how much I would want to play that game as well. Of course there may be other aspects as well, but this is mostly it. Everything is mostly determined through the synopsis of the story/game and what it's about. Though I also tend to play any game no matter what but this is more based on hype and wanting/order I may play games. When it comes to genres then even though I may not like a certain one when faced to one I'm not into and one I am (or just between overall themes) then I try to be open about it. This is mostly due to me playing a game I thought I wouldn't like as much as the other one I had so I started it first to get it over with, but in the end I actually ended up enjoying that one more than the other.

The next thing I would have to say is art. Even though I try not to pay attention to art as a main thing, it's kinda hard not to. I mean you get the story and art style kinda right off the bat. So of course this would have to be here. Also even though I only know of one artist by their name, I do notice other artist/art styles I know through out other otome games. I recently discovered that this also kinda makes me want to play a game, since I notice these art styles and artist, and since it's familiar I guess it makes me want to play the game a bit more then possibly other or such. (I hope I conveyed it in a way for people to understand? Also, this kinda makes me biased towards wanting to play "7'scarlet" a bit more than the other games, because of Chinatsu Kurahana?)

The last thing I would say for this post is the characters/voice actors. I kinda feel like this one is a no brainier? Obviously in order to enjoy an otome game you would have to connect with at least one character I feel like? Though that could also not be true. But normally you at least have to be interested in one in order to become interested in the others. Normally if a game doesn't have characters (or I guess stereotypes also?) that you either don't enjoy or like as much then this could probably lower how you feel about the game. But then there is voice actors. (Which new otome gamers may not relate to yet?) Normally if you find a voice actor(s) you either like and/or you enjoy then this could make this game much more entertaining for you or at least get you more hyped and wanting the game. And honestly it's as simple as that for voice actors I feel like.

In conclusion there could also be more elements, though I personally feel like I covered the basics. Since these things are the main things I look for and am interested in? (Though maybe for some people also console and language? Though I don't really care?) This shall be then end of this post though. If you want to add your what you look for/think is important the comment down below! Or else I'll talk to you guys later!


"Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly" Amazon Pre-Order (Coming Out-April 27th, this year):

"Psychedelica of the Ashen Hawk" Amazon Pre-Order (Coming Out-June 29th, this year):

"7'scarlet" Amazon Pre-Order (Coming Out-May 25th, this year):

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Main Dessert Choices! +Otome MCs/Heroines

Hello! Welcome back to another post! Before I start off this post I would like to mention that pre-orders for "Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly" and "Psychedelica of the Ashen Hawk" are now up on GameStop. On its page it says that "Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly" is going to come out April 27th of this year, and "Psychedelica of the Ashen Hawk" is going to be released on June 29th. I leave the link to both preorder pages down below! Now though lets get into the main part of this post. I don't recall if I ever did a post or at least a paragraph about this, but this post is going to be about our Otome Heroines!

Now I don't really have an issue with otome heroines? I mean I can also understand why people could not like some/certain MCs also. The main/common MC/Heroine is mostly innocent, childish, inexperienced, and etc. Though maybe this heroine type doesn't really bother me because I start off with this type? Though no matter what I don't really care. Though of course having a variety of different heroines is always nice as well. Honestly I probably notice a heroine with a unique trait or design most though. Even if I do find a heroine annoying or whatever, then it mostly disappears soon after.

This reason is mostly because I am probably more focused on the story-line or something of the sort anyways? I mean like you can have any heroine you want, but I feel like they have to fit in with the story at least. Or at least fit the situations they are in. So I guess for me it is all based more on the story and how it fits and everything? Though I also just can't really hate any of them anyways.

I think I'll end this post here. Comment down below how you feel about our otome MCs/Heroines and which ones are your favorite and why. Though or else I'll talk to you guys later!


"Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly" GameStop preorder page:

"Psychedelica of the Ashen Hawk" GameStop preorder page:

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Let's Look At Our Apps! +Mobile Otome Games

Hello! Welcome back to another post! This post is going to be about mobile otome games! This was the type of otome gaming I started out with. Though, probably most of us started out with this type. My first otome game was "Midnight Cinderella" by Cybird, though that kinda is irrelevant for this post, but still fits all the same. The first thing I'm going to be talking about is about the price/spending of it. Some otome apps are free while some aren't. In the end it really just narrows down to free and paid. So I'll be splitting it into two sections, free and paid. Though also talking about expense (most likely at the end.)

So let's talk about free first. When it comes down to free apps you can play the whole game for free, but for the most part all of it is ticket based with checkpoints in between. Though you can make purchases to buy more tickets or things you may need to get through checkpoints, or to get more affection points, etc. I started with free ones, so I have a tolerance to them. Though for some people all of this is irritating. Honestly though I never spend any money on free app and just lived with my fate. Even now I would still never spend any money on them, probably because I find no point in it with free apps? Though that's shaky and I guess it's more just a feeling I get.

Now paid apps. Paid apps are mostly in-app purchases. Though the prologue is free and you can read it all straight through right away and maybe also possibly the first episode of the guy you choose. Though the rest you have to pay for. Normally a route costs $3.99 or $4.99. Though unlike free you are paying for his whole route right away so you can read it straight through whenever you feel like, and it's your's forever.

Now the last part, expense/spending. With paid apps there are normally five routes though that's the average, so there could be more or less depending on the game. Though if you only buy the main story for each boy then that could round up to $20 total (if it's $3.99, or to be exact $19.95) or $25 total (for $4.99 or to be exact, $24.95). And I can't really say how much you would spend for free games if you do decide to buy or if you are one that does. In my opinion though I would think that you spend more money on free apps though. Especially if you are going through all routes. Though with paid games there are also epilogues and sequels sometimes that you would have to buy. So I guess it all depends on the spender honestly.

I think I shall end this post here though. If you want to comment about your experience with both or one or the other then comment down below! Also comment how you feel about otome apps! For now though, I'll talk to you guys later!

(No links needed for this post~.)