And of course their are both pros and cons to both sides. Though this post is just about PC, so a war between the two another day. When it comes down to PC a company may have a demo of the game that you can download and try out, if you have to pay money for the game. Though there are also free ones as well. A game on PC that you pay for can basically average to around $30. So you are getting everything at one go. So if you really wanted too you could play the whole game in one go (depending on how long it takes for each route), or you could split up when to play each route when you want to. (I honestly always go for splitting it up.)
If you want to make this simpler then a paid PC otome game will almost mostly have voice acting it. I actually don't think I've ever ran into one where there wasn't voice acting in it. Not only that but there may be some added things that you might get/or something that a free one doesn't offer.
With free ones there's most likely no voice acting and sometimes not even music. For this one I actually do know of a game that does have both music AND voice acting. This game is called "Seduce Me the Otome" by Michaela Laws. This game is a really amazing otome games and I'm putting a link of it's Steam page down below and so you guys should totally check it out. Especially! Since it's free.
To me though I would say that voice acting and music are more like added bonuses to otome games though. (Though I would also like to AT LEAST have music in it.) I think the type of an otome game and the story and what's it about can be more appealing. (But both of those other two things do help.) Though I would say that it all ends on preference on how you like PC otome's in the end. So comment down below on how you feel about them, and I'll talk to you guys later!
"Seduce Me the Otome" by Michaela Laws (Steam):